
Say NO to the Saamis Solar Project – Letter

We need your help! Good day MHURA member! I am reaching out to you today to give a brief update about the Saamis Solar Project, and to request that you take a small action to let City Council know that many of their constituents are extremely concerned about this project, the money that all residents Say NO to the Saamis Solar Project – Letter

Saamis Solar purchase finalized with DP Energy

The company that drew up plans and won approval to build a 1,600-acre solar power park in Medicine Hat now says its sale to the City of Medicine Hat’s power company has been finalized. Full article with City of Medicine Hat

AUC to MHC: Application deemed complete

AUC declares no intervener hearing; decision by February 6, 2025

AUC to MHURA & MHLD: Ruling on status

AUC denies MHURA intervener status

CMH Response to AUC Final

CMH responds to AUC request for information

Lethbridge News Now: Increased Cost for Solar Park

An energy consulting firm says recent changes to Alberta’s electricity market regulations could cost the City of Medicine Hat an extra $100 million if it builds a proposed solar project

CHAT: Increased Cost for Solar Park

An energy consulting firm says recent changes to Alberta’s electriity market regulations could cost the City of Medicine Hat an extra $100 million if it builds a proposed solar project

MHURA lawyers to AUC

MHURA lawyers to AUC: response to CMH denial request of MUHRA intervener status

CMH Lawyers to AUC

CMH lawyers to AUC: request that MHURA be denied intervener status

AUC TO MHC: Information request

AUC to CMH information request round #1