
AUC to MHC: Application deemed complete

AUC declares no intervener hearing; decision by February 6, 2025

AUC to MHURA & MHLD: Ruling on status

AUC denies MHURA intervener status

CMH Response to AUC Final

CMH responds to AUC request for information

Lethbridge News Now: Increased Cost for Solar Park

An energy consulting firm says recent changes to Alberta’s electricity market regulations could cost the City of Medicine Hat an extra $100 million if it builds a proposed solar project

CHAT: Increased Cost for Solar Park

An energy consulting firm says recent changes to Alberta’s electriity market regulations could cost the City of Medicine Hat an extra $100 million if it builds a proposed solar project

MHURA lawyers to AUC

MHURA lawyers to AUC: response to CMH denial request of MUHRA intervener status

CMH Lawyers to AUC

CMH lawyers to AUC: request that MHURA be denied intervener status

AUC TO MHC: Information request

AUC to CMH information request round #1

McLennan Ross reply to AUC

MHURA lawyers response to AUC request for clarification

AUC to MHURA & MHLD: Request for Clarification

AUC requests clarification regarding intervener status