
Proceeding 29273

Application 29273-A001: The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), the independent utilities regulator, will be considering the power plant approval transfer application in Proceeding 29273. If you feel you may be affected by this application, you can provide input to the AUC to review before it makes its decision.

CHAT: Intervenor Status

Medicine Hat ratepayer’s group requests ‘intervenor status’ in city’s solar farm buy



Response from City of Medicine Hat to MHURA

City of Medicine Hat response to MHURA letter Sept 3, 2024.

AUC Filing Registered for MHURA

MH News: City only wanted power, carbon credits when first discussing Saamis Solar Park

“But, officials found the financial arrangement commonly used by private companies would not fit the site or be a good fit for the Medicine Hat power company.”

MH News: Energy strategy due at committee Thursday

Letter to Members

On July 18th , 2024, AUC (Alberta Utilities Commission) approved the SaamisSolar Park project that is planned to be built North of Crescent Heights. Sincethen, on August 27th the City of Medicine Hat applied to have approval of theproject transferred to the City citing a purchase agreement. The City’s application to acquire the Solar Farm Letter to Members

Response from City of Medicine Hat to MHURA

Letter to MH City Council

Mayor Linnsie Clark and City Council580 1 st SEMedicine Hat, AB T1A 8E6 September 3, 2024Reference: Saamis Solar Park Power Plant Good morning Mayor Clark, Since the announcement of the City’s intent to purchase the Solar Farm from DP Energy, a lot of questions and concerns have been raised, and rightfully so, from the Citizens Letter to MH City Council