Letter to MH City Council

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Letter to MH City Council

September 3, 2024

Mayor Linnsie Clark and City Council
580 1 st SE
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8E6

September 3, 2024
Reference: Saamis Solar Park Power Plant

Good morning Mayor Clark,

Since the announcement of the City’s intent to purchase the Solar Farm from DP Energy, a lot of questions and concerns have been raised, and rightfully so, from the Citizens of Medicine Hat.

MHURA and its members have questions in regards to this application.

  1. Can you please review for us the process and timelines used in making this monumental decision?
    a) When was the proposal presented to Council and when was it approved? Can you please provide the motion and by-law that was passed to make this purchase along with supporting documents?
    b) Can you please provide dates and methods used for consultation with the constituents of Medicine Hat?
    c) Where is this proposal/costs in the budget? Please provide all years it has been included and associated costs.
    d) Was there a cost/risk analysis done? If so can you please provide the report.
    e) In considering this option were other projects or options reviewed in comparison?
  2. Can you please outline the timelines and costs moving forward?
    Please include
    a) Purchase cost including the deemed value of the land to be used.
    b) Planned start date, timelines for phases of construction.
    c) Anticipated income and costs for the next 5 years.
    d) How have the additional conditions been addressed?
    e) What consideration has been made for the end of project costs and risks?

MHURA’s membership is also asking how a decision to forge ahead with applying for approval from AUC for transfer of ownership of the project fits in with the Energy Business Review? Was this purchase with present and future costs/revenues part of the Review? If decisions of this magnitude do not require presentation of the Review or is not considered important enough to await the Energy Business Review, why is the Review necessary?

Please justify why the minor request by MHURA for cancellation of the MCAF Fee (a mere $5 M yearly intake from its utility accounts) was delayed pending the outcome of the Review?

In the interest of transparency and timeliness please be aware that MHURA will be notifying AUC that we are in objection to this transfer of ownership and are following the procedures as required by AUC to file an intervention.

Thank you in advance for your speedy assistance. Because of the financial significance and upcoming deadlines we are requesting a response by September 15th, 2024.


Sounantha Boss
President Medicine Hat Utilities Ratepayers Association

Cc: The Honourable Danielle Smith, Premier
Members of Executive Council
Executive Branch
307 Legislature Building
10800 – 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6

Via email: Mr Robert Dumanowski, Ms Cassi Hider, Mr Darren Hirsch, Ms Allison Knodel, Mr Andy Mcgrogan, Ms. Ramona Robins, Ms. Shila Sharps, Ms Alison Van Dyke,
Honourable Brian Jean Minister of Energy and Minerals
Honourable Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas
Honourable Ric McIvor, Minister of Municipal Affairs

Justin Wright, MLA, Cypress Medicine Hat Constituency,

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