Now Accepting Donations To Help Fund Our Lower Taxes & Lower Utilities Initiative

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Now Accepting Donations To Help Fund Our Lower Taxes & Lower Utilities Initiative

March 7, 2024

MHURA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for a sustainable community, relies solely on private donations and member support to fund their initiatives. These funds go towards critical expenses such as insurance, advertising campaigns, website maintenance, and hall rentals that are essential to their advocacy work. By contributing to MHURA, donors are not only supporting the organization’s mission but also helping to create a more sustainable community where citizens can benefit from lower taxes and utilities. Your donations make a difference in shaping a better future for all.

We are able to accept E-Transfers to our trust account on behalf of Medicine Hat Utilities Ratepayer Association.

The email address is: Please put MHURA or File 29294 in the comment section.

Thank you very much for your support in our advocacy for low taxes and low utilities in our community!

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