Letter to Members

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Letter to Members

September 4, 2024

On July 18th , 2024, AUC (Alberta Utilities Commission) approved the Saamis
Solar Park project that is planned to be built North of Crescent Heights. Since
then, on August 27th the City of Medicine Hat applied to have approval of the
project transferred to the City citing a purchase agreement.

The City’s application to acquire the Solar Farm Project was discussed at our
most recent MHURA Board meeting on September 2. MHURA has decided to
begin an appeal process in objection to this project. Several reasons for this
included lack of transparency and public consultation regarding this large
scale project.

We are including a copy of the request sent to the City Council that has been
acknowledged and forwarded to the appropriate department to provide
answers to our questions. We also informed AUC that we have begun the
process to file an objection to the application.

Our goal is to be able to hold a Town Hall meeting in October to be able to
share the reasons we have taken this action and provide opportunities to
discuss this and other initiatives that MHURA are taking on behalf of you, our
membership and the citizens of Medicine Hat. Time wise, it is imperative the
Citizens are heard by our Council now, as this monumental decision will be
made by AUC in a few short months!

In order to be most effective in this very important financial development,
which will affect all Ratepayers in the coming years, our goal is to increase our
membership to 1,000 members. A membership of this size will serve to give
MHURA strength in our advocacy for Affordability AND Accountability!

MHURA will post and update all ongoing communication and developments
concerning the Saamis Solar Farm on our website page as well as our
Facebook page. Please share the information!

purchased online at https://ratepayersmedicinehat.org

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